Home Blog National Statement of Collaboration Principles: NLN and NRM Regional Australia

National Statement of Collaboration Principles: NLN and NRM Regional Australia

Blog | 15 Nov 2022 |

The National Landcare Network are pleased to announce the  National Statement of Collaboration Principles co-designed between the NLN and NRMRA, launched at 2022 National NTM Knowledge Conference at Margaret River this week.

The framework builds on recognition that we are stronger together in achieving outcomes for communities and landscapes. It outlines principles for delivering on our shared objectives, and the mechanisms designed to bring these principles to life.

NLN board member Louise Duxbury, speaking on behalf of Chair Annie Andrews and Jim Adams said:

"These Guidelines provide a reference point from which Landcare groups, networks and STOs and Regional Organisations can commence discussions about opportunities to continue to work collaboratively together and to identify opportunities to enhance delivery and outcomes."

The document demonstrates and informs the value the two organisations bring together and individually, echoing the importance of collaboration, engagement and sharing, for a strong and successful national outcome.

Landcare strives to walk together with First Nations Custodians respecting their knowledge, skills and responsibilities in land and sea management and their role in leading the planning and caring for Country and community across Australia. Their lands were never ceded. The National Landcare Network supports all aspects of the Uluru Statement from the Heart - Voice, Truth and Treaty.  


Landcare strives to walk together with Traditional Custodians respecting their knowledge, skills and responsibilities in land and sea management and their role in leading the planning and caring for Country and community across Australia. Their lands were never ceded. The National Landcare Network supports all aspects of the Uluru Statement from the Heart - Voice, Truth and Treaty.  


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